
13 Things You Should Never, Ever Do During Your Period

Men always think we’re too emotional during that “time of the month”, so there are things you should never do while on your period. Getting out of bed is hard enough as it is, with our cramps and other hormonal issues. If the opposite se.x is right about how emotional we get, then there are tons of things you should never do while on your period. Where to start… 1. COOK If we venture into the kitchen, we run the risk of hurting someone. What if one of our emotional attacks occur while we have a knife in hand? We’re already used to the blood. What’s a little more? One of the things you should never do while on your period is enter the kitchen, not even for a snack continue reading on next page ? 2. USE OUR PHONES If we pick up our phones to play Candy Crush, we might end up calling our ex. It’s an emotional time of the month, so how can we stand to be alone? If we don’t call them and beg for them to return to us, then we’ll curse them out. It’s not our fault, of course. When

Massage This Point Between The Eyebrows: This Is the Incredible Effect It Has on Your Body!

Often times, throughout life, people experience lack of mental energy to do certain tasks in life. Hence, at times, people become more frazzled and as a result, they become less and less able to focus on the tasks at hand. Feeling overwhelmed has become part of our busy lives. According to, the ancient Chinese discovered that when pressure is applied to specific body parts, certain diseases and conditions can be treated. Additionally, this technique is also known to improve the concentration and the overall well-being. If you apply pressure to certain areas of the body throughout the day, you can improve your mental strength and clear your mind. This will result in a more productive you. As written in an article by Inspire Portal, GV20, GB14, GV24.5, and GV26, can be massaged separately or together and this will calm your mind and clear your thoughts. GV20 should be massaged if you want to better your memory, mental clarity, and concentration. For problems wi

Natural DIY Cream that cures stretch marks and loose skin

Whether you are pregnant, you have recently given birth, or if you simply have received from Mother Nature a soft and less elastic skin, you need a cream to help you. See how you can make at your home an anti-stretch marks cream, to help with sagging skin and restore the elasticity of your skin. Ingredients needed for cream that cures stretch marks: ½ cup coconut butter ½ cup coconut oil ¼ cup olive oil ½ cup cocoa butter 2 tablespoons food starch 1 teaspoon of oil with vitamin E capsules 1 tablespoon of lavender essential oil ½ frankincense essential oil 2 tablespoons cocoa powder Preparation of the cream for stretch marks and loose skin Melt the cocoa butter and coconut butter using bain marie, and stir it on low heat with the remaining ingredients, vitamin E and aromatic oils (lavender, incense). Give a homogeneous and slightly thickened mixture of starch aside and transfer it into a ceramic bowl. Refrigerate several hours until it is completely cooled. Get the mi

Gelatin Mask. Secret to Shiny and Strong Hair

Gelatin hair mask have wonderful result, which can be compared with the lamination of hair in a beauty saloon. Gelatin covers hair with a film that nourishes the hair and restores its protein structure. Hair become voluminous, looks strong and shiny. Every girl dreams of shiny and strong hair. Thousands of hair products can promise the best result. For example, many store-bought conditioners contain silicone, which coats the hair to make it smooth and shiny. Unfortunately, this only makes the hair “look” healthy – in reality the result is quite opposite. The worst thing is that silicone blocks moisture from reaching the hair shaft, which can cause strands to become dry and brittle over time. Hair lamination – a special procedure performed in beauty salons. Its main purpose – to make your hair smooth and straight, to make them them shine and strong. All these effects can be achieved by application a special mixture containing protein. This mixture creates thin cover on each hair

Your Toes Say a Lot About Your Future, and Personality: See How the Length Determines Whether You’ll be Rich and Happy!

Are your toes larger or smaller? Which toe is the longest and which is the smallest? Are your feet narrow or wide? All these characteristics can tell a lot about your personality and even predict what can happen in your future. Some studies suggest that the shape of your feet and toes reveals a lot about your personality, so keep reading to find out what your toes say about you. Big Toe: Look at your big toe. Is it much longer than the others? If it is it means that you are very smart and creative and can always think of creative ways to solve your problems. You can think outside of the box and are full of ideas. On the negative side, it may be difficult for you to remain focused and can often abandon projects midway. If on the other hand your big toe is actually smaller than the others you are an excellent multi tasker. It’s super easy for you to make people agree with your opinions; you are a great negotiator and complete your tasks efficiently. Second Toe: The second toe

You Have A Ball Of Fat Under Skin Check These Natural And Effective Ways To Eliminate It

A lipoma is a considerate tumor under the skin that is made out of fat tissue, the most well-known type of delicate tissue tumor. It is anything but a dangerous condition and more often than not is effortless, yet it can turn out to be extremely terrible and isn't beautiful to take a gander at. Lipomas could show up on any one part, however typically influence the neck, hands, brow, armpits, and middle. The typical evacuation system incorporates medical procedure, however, you have to realize that the issue could likewise be dealt with normally. Bunches of individuals have had post-medical procedure intricacies while expelling lipomas, and that is the reason specialists recommend treating the issue on a characteristic way first. Today we will demonstrate to you a couple of incredible plans that are going to evacuate the subcutaneous chunk of fat.  The most effective method to normally treat lipomas  The cures that you will see underneath can treat effectively lipo

10 Simple Stretches That Will Eliminate Lower Back, Hip And Sciatica Pain

The human body is truly amazing. The sciatic nerve is one of the most common causes of back or hip pain. It runs close to the spinal column before heading to the extremities. For many people, the sciatic nerve is a cause of great pain. The body is full of nerves and they travel throughout every part of the body to send signals to and from the brain. Some of them lie relatively close to the spinal column and others may stretch out into various parts of the body, including the toes and the fingers. The sciatic nerve, however, is one that is both close to the spinal column and stretches out into the extremities. It is also, unfortunately, the cause of much pain and suffering. When the sciatic nerve is pinched or irritated, it can lead to pain in the area of the lower back. Since the sciatic nerve runs through the lower back near the buttocks and down both of the legs, it can also lead to hip pain, knee pain and even pain in the lower leg. This is a problem that as much as 40% of a